Better Place Unveils First Automated Battery Switch for Japan EV Study; Demos Charging Infrastructure for Fixed and Switchable Battery Electric Cars
May 12, 2009 (Better Place)
"Better Place… achieved a milestone in accelerating the mass-market adoption of electric vehicles by demonstrating the world’s first battery switch technology along with electric car charging spots…Better Place was the only foreign company invited by the Japanese Ministry of Environment to demonstrate its switch technology…
"Better Place showcased its battery switch platform today using a modified NISSAN electric crossover SUV to demonstrate how to switch a depleted battery for a fully charged one. The company also demonstrated its commitment to open network standards by charging a fixed battery, electric car, via one of four Better Place charge spots…Recharging of the vehicle batteries is made possible by Sharp Corp. photovoltaic solar panels, creating a truly zero emission solution…"
From betterplace via YouTube.
"The Renault-Nissan Alliance is partnering with Better Place in Israel to enable zero-emissions mobility throughout the country by 2011…Better Place is committed to delivering a complete solution to drivers that includes in-car services, management systems and multiple ways for drivers to recharge their electric car including networks of charge spots and battery switch stations powered by renewable energy. The infrastructure offers drivers the same convenience to “top off” as they enjoy today with gasoline or petrol stations, with charge spots installed where you live, work, and shop, while battery switch stations are deployed for the exceptionally long drives."click to enlarge
"The automated switch process, which takes about a minute, is faster than filling a tank with gasoline…The technology safely and quickly removes a depleted battery and transfers a fully charged battery into the vehicle…and the driver remains in the vehicle the entire time…The system works with two robotic battery shuttles on an automated track system…[One] holds the fully charged battery…while the other shuttle simply removes the depleted battery…[T]he track system returns the removed battery to a storage bay for recharging and preparation for use in another electric vehicle. The battery shuttles are designed…for universal application to a range of electric vehicles.
"The switch technology featured in the Yokohama exhibit will be further developed into production for the commercial switch stations, which will be deployed in Better Place markets around the world..."
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