Every day is Earthday.

Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



Your intrepid reporter


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  • ---------------
  • Monday, May 18, 2009


    US energy chief vows to pursue 'clean coal'
    May 19, 2009 (AFP)

    "US Energy Secretary Steven Chu pledged…the administration would pursue "clean coal" technology, even as it focuses research on alternatives such as wind and solar.

    "The US coal industry and lawmakers from coal-mining states have mounted an aggressive campaign to promote investment in cleaner coal as President Barack Obama's administration takes tougher action on the environment…But many environmentalists say that clean coal methods -- such as capturing and storing carbon emissions -- are unproven and drain resources from finding real ways to combat global warming."

    Coal might someday get cleaner but its a long time off...(click to enlarge)

    "Chu, asked during testimony at the Senate Appropriations Committee whether the administration was committed to researching clean coal, replied: "Yes."

    "Presenting the 2010 budget requests, Chu acknowledged the administration's views had changed after Congress made clean coal a priority in its 787 billion-dollar stimulus package…"

    ...And it's going to cost a lot. So why not spend now on wind and sun and never need coal, clean or otherwise? (click to enlarge)

    "Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, said before taking office that his "worst nightmare" was for the world to continue using coal at its current pace -- comments seized upon by global warming skeptics.

    "Chu renewed Obama's promise to step up research in key areas such as solar power, which would enjoy an 82 percent funding boost under the budget…"


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