Wind Power Works; Discover the power of wind around the world on 15 June
(European Wind Energy Association and Global Wind Energy Council)
Show Your Support for Wind Energy on Global Wind Day, June 15; Join AWEA’s Visual Petition, Call for a National Renewable Electricity Standard, Organize or Attend a #GWind09 Tweet-Up Near You
Shawna Seldon, June 10, 2009 (American Wind Energy Association)
"In 2009, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), which initiated the Wind Day campaign, will join forces with the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) in order to coordinate the first Global Wind Day. The campaign will build on the efforts and success of the European Wind Day 2007 and 2008, in which over 20 countries participated in Europe, with hundreds of public events organised."
"At a time of energy and climate crisis, it is vital to explain to the decision makers why the world crucially needs an energy shift. Policy makers are seeking solutions and the wind industry offers the best way to produce CO2-free electricity quickly and efficiently...Wind can be found everywhere, and energy from wind is helping ease the widespread dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, wind energy creates jobs and contributes to economic growth…

"The Global Wind Day is an awareness campaign for the promotion of wind energy worldwide. The message is global: wind power works – it tackles climate change, it improves energy dependence on fossil fuels, and it is an intelligent investment. All the events will take place all across 25 countries worldwide. The Global Wind Day will both reach out for and be powered by the people…On 15 June 2009, thousands of public events will be organised simultaneously..."
"2009 will be a crucial year for the fight against climate change. Decision makers from all over the world will meet in Copenhagen in December to discuss the post-Kyoto protocol agreement. By participating in one of the numerous events organised for the Global Wind Day you will have the possibility of learning how wind energy works, and how wind turbines work. Above all, you will join EWEA and GWEC in asking decision makers at national, regional, and local level around the world to endorse new commitments and approve proper legal frameworks that will enable a large-scale development of wind power…

"Wind energy supporters can join AWEA’s call for an RES through a number of events and activities on Global Wind Day, including: Asking representatives in Congress to support a STRONG national renewable electricity standard… through Power Of Wind…[OR] Submitting a photo or comment [in My Wind Energy Job, I Love Wind Technology, Faces of Wind, My Wind Turbine, and Scenic categories] to AWEA’s visual petition, Why Wind Matters to Me!… that shows how wind energy is making a difference today. These photos will be presented to members of Congress to highlight their constituency’s support of wind power…[OR] Attending or organizing a #GWind09 Tweet-Up near you: AWEA is hosting Global Wind Day Tweet-Ups in Washington, D.C. and New York City on June 15…or host your own Tweet-Up in your home town!"
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