Every day is Earthday.

Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



Your intrepid reporter


    A tip of the NewEnergyNews cap to Phillip Garcia for crucial assistance in the design implementation of this site. Thanks, Phillip.


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  • Wednesday, October 7, 2009


    From a common-sense standpoint, green energy makes a lot of sense
    Keith Chrostowski, October 5, 2009 (Kansas City Star)

    "…The push for greener energy is just plain common sense…[1] Green energy will create jobs and economic development…workers to build wind farms, install solar panels, insulate homes and factories, and put in nuclear power plants…The Clean Energy Economy [Pew Charitable Trusts] found that from 1998 to 2007, clean jobs surged at a national rate of 9.1 percent. Traditional jobs grew by only 3.7 percent…

    "…[2] It will spur technological progress…[It is] time to move on to electric, fuel-cell or even hydrogen-powered cars…better batteries and solar panels…[and] further advances in clean-coal technology and in nuclear power generation…[If the U.S. does develop them]…some other country will…Maybe China. And it will make a lot of money selling those advances to other countries…[3]It will clean the air and water…"

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    "…[4] It’s a national security matter…The more self-sufficient we become in energy, the less vulnerable we are to blackmail over oil, and the less likely we are to get into a war…Iran armed with nuclear weapons could close the Strait of Hormuz…Are we willing to place that big a bet on the future because we didn’t develop our green energy resources?

    "Gearing up our green energy supply will take time…[U]nless we want to slow down economic growth while we wait, or rely even more on relatively dirty coal-fired plants, we’ll need more nuclear generation and we’ll have to drill for more domestic oil…[M]ore-stable third-generation plants have been developed that “eat” their spent fuel, lessening the need for nuclear waste storage. And their zero-atmospheric emissions are a big plus."

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    "…China is getting a lot of press…for a big push into wind and solar energy…[and is adding] nuclear plants…nearly tenfold…and just this year started building five plants.

    "…[W]hile “drill, baby, drill” carries the push for domestic oil too far, we should allow some offshore drilling…Those who oppose any more drilling need to remember that if oil goes to $400 a barrel and gas to $10 a gallon, a lot of people, mostly those lower on the income ladder, will be the ones most hurt…[and] their sons and daughters…[would] fight any war over oil…[Therefore] some common-sense compromises might be in order…[C]aution over nuclear power and oil drilling…[should lead to taxes on carbon from oil and coal…\[to build wind and solar]…"


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