Report is bullish on Midwest’s green energy manufacturers
February 8, 2010 (BizTimes)
"If the federal government implements strong energy policies that encourage alternative energy and use of cutting edge high-capacity batteries, the Midwest’s manufacturing hub stands to gain significantly, according to a report by the nonprofit Climate Group and the University of Michigan.

"American Innovation: Manufacturing Low Carbon Technologies in the Midwest looks at the impacts on wind turbine, hybrid powertrain and advanced battery manufacturing. The study anticipates three factors – a $17 per ton price on carbon, a green economic stimulus program, and a 20 percent federal renewable electricity standard by 2020…[that] could lead to greatly increased revenues and employment in the wind turbine, advanced battery and hybrid powertrain industries between 2010 and 2015…
"…[The 3 policies could generate] $7.3 billion in revenues for wind turbine components, and about 63,000 new jobs in the manufacture of components for the industry… $1.45 billion in revenues for advanced battery manufacturing, and about 12,000 new jobs…[and] $3.8 billion for hybrid powertrain manufacturers and about 31,000 new jobs…"

"The report looked at five states – Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. It did not examine potential costs or job cuts related to the proposed federal policies…"
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