Clean Energy Jobs Act will create more than 16,000 jobs
Thad Nation, February 19, 2010 (Wisconsin Business)
The Macroeconomic Impact of the Wisconsin Clean Energy Jobs Act on the State’s Economy
Dr. Steven Miller, Dr. Dan Wei and Dr. Adam Rose, February 18, 2010 (Center for Economic Analysis at Michigan State University, The Center for Climate Strategies and the University of Southern California)
"A study conducted by the Center for Climate Strategies [along with researchers from Michigan State University and the University of Southern California] showed that more than 16,000 full-time jobs will be created as a result of the proposed Clean Energy Jobs Act [CEJA]…[They] determined that 3,799 of the 16,221 jobs will be realized in the first five years of the bill’s enactment, with the rest coming by 2025…Among the industries that will benefit from the passing of the bill (AB 659) are construction and agriculture…"
["The Macroeconomic Impact of the Wisconsin Clean Energy Jobs Act on the State’s Economy] summarizes the macroeconomic impact of salient components of [CEJA as introduced in the 2009 Wisconsin Assembly Bill 649 and Senate Bill 450]... informed by assessments conducted by the Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming…"

"The Task Force report identified over 50 actionable policy recommendations that formed the bases of the CEJA. Explicit targets of the CEJA include reducing Wisconsin’s GHG emissions in 2014 to 2005 levels, reducing 2020 emissions to at least 22 percent less than 2005 levels and reducing 2050 emissions to at least 75 percent less than 2005 levels. The emissions reduction targets in the bill are goals, not statutory mandates. Additionally, the bill sets the goal that by 2030 all new residential and commercial structures will use no more energy than is generated onsite using renewable resources. Finally, the bill sets out to reduce overall energy consumption in the state…"

"The State of Wisconsin retained the Center for Climate Strategies (CCS)… CCS researchers applied well-recognized methodologies along with the Regional Economic Modeling, Inc. Policy Insight Plus (REMI PI+) model…Impact estimates take into consideration the public and private implementation costs, cost savings, price impacts and associated transactions…
"Findings suggest that the CEJA will stimulate economic growth for Wisconsin…[with] immediate and positive net impacts on state employment. Over time, the CEJA is expected to increase gross state product (GSP) by $250 million in 2015, by $710 million in 2020, and by $1.41 billion in 2025 with a net present value of $4.85 billion…"
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