Germany targets switch to 100% renewables for its electricity by 2050; Germany already leads the world on renewable energy and could become first G20 country to kick the fossil-fuel habit
7 July 2010 (Reuters via UK Guardian)
"Germany could derive all of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050 and become the world's first major industrial nation to kick the fossil-fuel habit, the country's Federal Environment Agency said…
"The country already gets 16% of its electricity from wind, solar and other renewable sources – three times' higher than the level it had achieved 15 years ago…"

"Thanks to its Renewable Energy Act, Germany is the world leader in photovoltaics: it expects to add more than 5,000 megawatts of photovoltaic capacity this year to reach a total of 14,000 megawatts. It is also the second-biggest wind-power producer after the United States. Some 300,000 renewable energy jobs have been created in Germany in the last decade."

"The government has set goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40% between 1990 and 2020, and by 80-85% by 2050…[It] could be achieved if Germany switches completely to renewable sources by 2050…
"About 40% of Germany's greenhouse gases come from electricity production, in particular, from coal-fired power plants…[S]witching to green electricity by 2050 would have economic advantages [as well], especially for the vital export-oriented manufacturing industry. It would also create tens of thousands of jobs…"
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