NewEnergyNews More: SUN HEALING SUN

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  • Wednesday, September 8, 2010


    Scientists Develop Self-Healing Solar Cells
    Michelle Bryner, 7 September 2010 (TechNewsDaily)

    "Over time, most solar cells degrade due to prolonged exposure to the sun's scathing rays and are rendered useless. But with a little inspiration from nature, researchers have now created a new solar material that regenerates its damaged energy-capturing packets on-demand.

    "A small prototype solar cell built from the self-healing material can continuously produce electricity for an entire week without losing any efficiency, the scientists [led by Professor Michael Strano of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)] report."

    The prototype (click to enlarge)

    "The team was inspired by plants in nature. The ingredients within a plant’s leaves that turn sunlight into energy aren't actually immune to the sun’s damage. Instead, the molecules do their job (pump out sugar), get destroyed, and in less than an hour they regenerate. This process happens over and over again – enabling the leaves to produce energy at the same efficiency as they did on day one of their operation.

    "Today’s solar materials, which range from the rigid-silicon panels found on rooftops to the flexible, organic kind that can be coated like paint onto surfaces, all degrade over time…Strano and his team have built what they call a “dynamic” solar cell. The light-capturing material is a mixture of several chemicals, including a photosensitive protein, a fatty substance called a phospholipid and carbon nanotubes."

    Many solar cell innovators are studying the plant world for inspiration and insight. (click to enlarge)

    "The team found that when they added soapy liquid to the mix, the components of the material break apart and form a soupy solution…[that] can’t produce electricity. However, when put into a special bag with tiny holes that only [releases] the soapy molecules – called surfactants – [the solution turns back into a material]…that can turn sunlight into electricity…This process of adding and removing the surfactant can be repeated over and over again, allowing the mixture to constantly regenerate…

    "There’s still a lot to do before this technology could be used in homes and buildings to produce electricity…[The] initial efficiency – a measure of how much of the sun’s light the panel can convert into electricity – of the new system is much lower than today’s solar panels…The researchers see this research as a [step toward] developing a solar cell capable of regeneration…"


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