Massive wind farm proposed in area
Austin Kaus, February 20, 2011 (The Daily Republic)
"…Dakota Plains Energy…[is talking to South Dakota landowners about]… the construction of a 1,000-megawatt wind farm…[It would be the biggest in the U.S.]…[Company representatives] said it would require about $2 million for every megawatt. At 1,000 megawatts, that equates to $2 billion…[They] aim for ‘significant local ownership.’
"Rob Johnson, president of Dakota Plains Energy, said the farm’s size would not only stimulate the economies of the county and state but also lead to the creation of a means to transmit the energy produced…Johnson and his son, Dakota Plains Energy Vice President Heath Johnson, said the project would surpass an 845-megawatt wind project currently in the works in northeastern Oregon…"

"The Dakota Community Wind project needs area landowners to commit enough acres to support the concept, Johnson said…[ The Johnsons estimated that an operational 1,000-megawatt wind farm would bring in $3,000 per megawatt annually to Gregory County and provide $4.5 million annually to the state]…When major companies associated with transmission lines see the commitment to [such a large] project, he said, they’re more likely to build a transmission site in the area…[T]here are currently two planned networks of transmission lines in development…
"International Transmission Company of Novi, Mich., is hoping to construct the Green Power Express, a $12 billion network of extra-high-voltage, 765,000-kilovolt transmission lines…[It could be relocated to accommodate] a 1,000-megawatt wind farm…Electric Transmission America — a joint venture of American Electric Power and [Warren Buffet-owned] MidAmerican Energy Holdings — [also plans] to construct 765-kilovolt, extra-high-voltage transmission lines…Only one [is likely to] be approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Neither has announced specific transmission line locations…"

"…[Rod Hartog, president of the South Central Wind Association, said]… an earlier survey showed area landowners were willing to pledge 250,000 acres to the project…[He] hopes to see that support not only continue but help make the Dakota Community Wind project become a reality…
"…Of the three pre-construction phases planned for the project, the first two — which involve data collection and numerous studies — are expected to cost between $2.5 and $3.5 million. The third phase, involving permit acquisition and a power purchase agreement, could cost up to $4.5 million…"
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