Concerned about unhealthy air, Arizonans overwhelmingly support clean energy; Poll: Majority favors transition from coal to renewable energy, says it’s worth the investment
March 23, 2011 (Western Clean Energy Campaign)
"Arizona residents overwhelmingly support a move toward clean energy and away from coal, and/or costly expenditures on pollution control upgrades for aging coal-burning power plants, according to [a survey of Arizona voters]…
"The polling underscores public sentiment about energy issues at a time when two of the state’s largest utilities are considering the future of aging coal-burning power plants that provide much of the electricity used in Arizona."

"Salt River Project is in the middle of determining the future of the Navajo Generating Station…a significant source of nitrogen oxide and other pollutants. Because of its age, the nearly 40-year old plant is facing necessary pollution-control upgrades, which could cost hundreds of millions of dollars…Arizonans not only supported renewable energy by a four-to-one margin over coal, but also… preferred renewable energy over costly pollution controls…[Similar numbers show SRP customers overwhelming support] more renewable energy.
"Arizona Public Service also is currently assessing potential strategies to address emissions issues at the Four Corners Power Plant…one of the largest single sources of smog-causing nitrogen oxide pollution in the country. APS owns 37 percent of the plant, and the EPA is holding hearings at the end of this month to consider pollution-control alternatives…"

"…[Acknowledging] Arizona’s vast solar energy potential…[a]n overwhelming four out of five Arizona voters feel it is time for the state’s utilities to begin transitioning from coal to renewable energy sources, the poll found…[A] majority of those polled…[believe] making the transition to clean energy from coal would create new jobs in Arizona…
"…[Though] voters place an increasing focus on energy affordability and reliability, they also trust that renewable energy can meet both criteria…Air pollution was by far the top environmental concern on the minds of Arizona voters…Arizonans feel having affordable electricity is not worth the pollution…"
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