Debating wind energy: Offshore ban won't keep turbines out of the Great Lakes
Paula Holmes-Greeley, April 12, 2011 (The Muskegon Crhonicle)
"…Less than six months ago — during a different legislative session — bills regulating the placement of wind turbines in the Great Lakes were introduced…The idea was to create laws that would have protected the lakes while allowing the regulated growth of a new energy source that not only would have provided a clean source of energy further protecting our environment, but could have created a new industry in the state.
"The bills were prompted by Scandia Wind Offshore’s extensive $4 billion plan to place wind turbines off the shores of Mason, Oceana, Muskegon and Ottawa counties in Lake Michigan. One of the problems the company faced was that the state didn’t have any regulations in place…Citizens weren’t protected, either…[A] new bill introduced by two shoreline lawmakers this month… Newly elected Rep. Jon Bumstead, R-Newaygo…[and] newly elected Rep. Ray Franz, R-Onekama…[from] communities that did not want wind turbines in their part of the lake…not only bans offshore turbines, but research, too."

"Bumstead said the turbines would diminish property values, create unacceptable views and were not cost-effective…Apparently, the Republican Party’s opposition to picking winners and losers has not made it to Bumstead’s district…[He] also said there has been so much research on wind turbines that no more is needed…Is he afraid that continued research will create more cost effective turbines, because that’s what has happened in the last year as improved rotors, motors and blades have been developed increasing the viability of wind power. Or perhaps floating technology could be developed that would allow the turbines to be located farther out in the lake, eliminating the visual issues.
"Both lawmakers said they are concerned about the “industrialization” of the Great Lakes. Does that extend to Great Lakes shipping? Commercial and recreational fishing and boating? Ferry traffic? Dumping of coal ash into Lake Michigan? Pumping of Lake Michigan water into a power plant to generate electricity? All of these industrial uses take place in Bumstead’s and Franz’ districts. What about the coal plants located on lakeshore around the state, that power Bumstead’s and Franz’ districts."

"Lawmakers should not bury their heads in the sand on offshore wind. If Michigan is not at the table, it doesn’t mean that wind turbines won’t be developed in the Great Lakes. Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Canada all are looking at ways to harness the wind because this area — especially the lake — is a terrific source of constant wind. It’s a natural resource the Great Lakes region has that isn’t found in very many places.
"What not being at the table means is that Michigan won’t have a chance to guide the development of this industry or to benefit from the jobs it might create. We’ll still be paying for the electricity generated by wind turbines as it is sold to our power companies by neighboring utilities…[T]his bill will assure one thing: The wind turbines won’t be in our backyard, for the few of us that own lakefront property."
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