Mark Udall, Tom Udall Introduce Renewable Energy Standard Legislation; Senators Continue Long Fight to Enact National RES
April 6, 2011 (Office of Senator Mark Udall)
"U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Mark Udall (D-CO)…continued their fight to enact a federal Renewable Energy Standard (RES) by introducing legislation that would require utilities to generate 25 percent of their electricity from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources by 2025…[It] would set the first national threshold for utilities to provide a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable resources - with a 6 percent requirement by 2013, followed by gradual increases thereafter to meet the 25 percent by 2025 goal.
"The senators first introduced a similar initiative in 2002 while members of the House of Representatives. The two eventually built a coalition in the House and won passage of an RES amendment in 2007…[The first cousins] first introduced the legislation in the Senate after being elected in 2008, and are joining forces again in hopes of finally passing a national RES into law…"

"The legislation would create a federal standard requiring electric utilities to diversify their portfolios with wind, solar, biomass, hydrokinetic and other renewable energy sources. Studies have shown it would also…[1] Create jobs: Wind and solar energy are likely to be among the largest sources of new manufacturing jobs worldwide during the 21st Century…[2] Reduce energy bills: …an RES would lower natural gas and electricity prices and save more than $100 billion for American consumers…"

"…[3] Revitalize rural America: Farmers and rural land owners in windy areas are reaping payments of $3,000 and up per turbine per year, while still being able to work their land. The "wind harvest" can carry hard-pressed farmers through difficult times, such as droughts…[4] Slow global warming: …an RES can cut emissions of conventional pollutants and greenhouse gases."

"Suppliers can meet the federal requirements by purchasing credits from other entities that have obtained credits by producing renewable energy. It also allows utilities to bank credits for four years and to borrow credits from up to three years in the future. Municipal and other publicly-owned power plants and rural electric co-ops would be exempted from the requirements.
"Support continues to grow for a transition to cleaner energy sources in the generation of electricity…President Obama called for an 80 percent Clean Energy Standard (CES) by 2035, which would include renewables, nuclear, and natural gas…[The Senate Energy Committee] recently released a White Paper on a CES…[The Udalls expect] at least eight Senate co-sponsors…29 states and the District of Columbia, representing over half of the U.S. electricity market, already have renewable generation standards with various timelines and targets. This legislation does not pre-empt states [stronger standards]…"
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