US-China wind turbine talks 'very productive'-USTR
Doug Palmer (w/Mohammad Zargham), March 30, 2011 (Reuters)
"U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk…[called talks ‘productive’ and] expressed hope a dispute over China's support for domestic wind turbine manufacturers can be resolved before a World Trade Organization panel hears the case…
"The United States has filed the case because of concerns that Chinese wind turbine manufacturers receive government subsidies that give them an unfair advantage over U.S. and other foreign producers."

"Under WTO rules, countries are required to initially try to resolve disputes through consultation. If those efforts fail, the concerned party can request the WTO establish a dispute settlement panel to decide the issue…
"On another issue, Kirk said the United States remains very much interested in Japan joining negotiations on a proposed regional free trade agreement known as the TransPacific Partnership pact…[Pending] recovery…Japan [is] expected to decide by June whether to ask to join the TransPacific Partnership talks with the United States, Chile, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Brunei and Peru."
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