Salazar Approves Major Renewable Energy Projects, Identifies Next Step in Solar Energy Development; Projects to generate 1,300 Jobs, 550 MW of clean power; Supplement to Solar PEIS will offer greater clarity for solar development in the West
July 14, 2011 (U.S. Department of the Interior)
"…Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar… announced the approval of four new projects on public lands, the launch of environmental reviews on three others, and the next step in a comprehensive environmental analysis to identify ‘solar energy zones’ on public lands in six western states…
"The renewable energy projects… - two utility-scale solar developments in California, a wind energy project in Oregon, and a transmission line in Southern California - together will create more than 1,300 construction jobs, provide a combined 550 megawatts of electricity, enough to power 185,000 to 380,000 homes, and generate several million dollars annually in local government tax revenues…"

"…The projects are part of Interior’s “Smart from the Start” approach to processing existing applications for renewable energy development on public lands in a coordinated, focused manner with full environmental analysis and public review…
"…[The projects are] Abengoa Mojave Solar Project…Imperial Solar Energy Center…West Butte Wind Energy Project…Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line Project…"
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