NewEnergyNews More: HOW U.S. WIND WILL GROW

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  • Tuesday, August 23, 2011


    World's Wind Turbine Markets Keep Trucking, Mostly
    William Pentland, August 18, 2011 (Forbes)

    Global wind turbine markets have weathered recent economic storms with remarkable aplomb, according to new study by IHS’s Emerging Energy Research division…

    "Although investment levels this year will not reach the record high $34 billion in 2008, the IHS study,
    Global Wind Turbine Markets and Strategies: 2011-2025, estimated that investment levels in wind turbines would likely return to previous highs by 2012 and more than double by 2025."

    click to enlarge

    "The international trend towards greater renewable-energy deployment points to a sustained period of wind turbine investment, with equipment purchases expected to more than double by 2025…In particular, IHS projected that investment would increase from $30 billion in 2010 to more than $68 billion in 2025 as international installed wind capacity expands from 188 GW to over 940 GW during the same time period.

    "The study identified the following key market growth drivers: ambitious long-term renewable electricity demand in the global market, combined with intensifying competition between Asian and European suppliers, technology shifts toward larger turbine procurement, and buy-side consolidation…"


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