Leaked docs offer insight into how climate-skeptic groups operate
Brad Plumer, February 16, 2012 (Washington Post)
"…[D]ocuments from the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based nonprofit that spends a fair bit of time disputing mainstream climate science…[reinforce the well-known fact that] skeptic groups spend a lot of money trying to call into question the scientific consensus on man-made global warming…[and] offer some fuller insight into how these organizations operate…
"1) There’s still a lot of money in climate skepticism…[The documents show] the group has spent at least several million dollars attacking climate science over the past few years…[I]t took nearly two years for the Heartland Institute to [repond to the 2007 IPCC report on climate change]…[but] Heartland is trying to raise at least $200,000 to make sure that it has its “Climate Change Reconsidered” report ready as soon as the IPCC releases its next big assessment in 2013…"

"2) Big oil companies seem to be increasingly minor players in the skeptic arena…[M]uch of the money comes from individual donors, particularly a person referred to as “the Anonymous Donor,” who gave $14.26 million over the past six years…That’s one possible signal that climate skepticism…[has] become a self-sustaining ideological endeavor…3) Many firms don’t like being associated with climate denial…[Donors] were quick to distance themselves from Heartland’s stance on global warming…
"4) Skeptic money doesn’t necessarily corrupt, but it can amplify marginal viewpoints…Craig Idso, a skeptical scientist…says that he has long opposed the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change — even before he was getting paid by Heartland…It’s doubtful that many skeptics meaningfully alter their views in order to receive money…5) The climate wars are moving to the classroom…[Heartland] plans to spend $100,000 per year to develop a curriculum for schools that would call basic climate science into question…[B]attles over the teaching of evolution in public schools…[could be replaced by] fights over climate science…"
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