New Head Of Trump’s New Energy Office Backs Coal?!?!?!
Trump’s Pick to Head the Renewable Energy Office Has a Soft Spot for Coal; Who is Daniel Simmons—and does he really believe the government should treat all energy sources equally? (His boss doesn’t.)
Jeff Turrentine, June 22, 2018 (Natural Resources Defense Council)
“…[Daniel Simmons, who heads the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, previously worked for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Institute for Energy Research (IER), which are pro-fossil-fuels organizations funded by Koch brothers money. He] has published opinion essays in major U.S. media extolling the virtues of coal…[He is on the record as opposing supports for] renewable energy through subsidies, tax incentives, or the state-level measures…He has argued that renewable energy mandates cost jobs, gouge consumers, and fleece taxpayers—even though there is a wealth of evidence to refute these arguments…[He also has argued no energy sources should get government support but has failed to speak out on White House proposals to support] coal and nuclear energy…[He goes before the Senate today] for his confirmation vote…” click here for more