NewEnergyNews More: Things A President Who Cared Would Do About Climate

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  • Monday, September 16, 2019

    Things A President Who Cared Would Do About Climate

    15 things a president can actually do to tackle the climate crisis

    Zachary B. Wolf, September 4, 2019 (CNN)

    “…[Despite partisan differences, the climate crisis] is a worldwide issue, and solving it will take cooperation from countries like China and India…[T]he most important actions the US could take would require congressional approval, no easy task…Here are some things any president could do on Day One…1. Rejoin the Paris climate agreement…2. Declare a national emergency…3. Set a carbon-free goal…5. Set a zero-emission deadline for the US…6. Embrace energy-efficient light bulbs…7. Reinstate the Clean Power Plan…

    ...8. Reverse Trump's plan to speed up oil and gas pipelines…9. Reimpose a moratorium on coal sales from public lands…10. Stop trying to push coal altogether…11. Undo Trump's efforts to increase offshore oil drilling…12. Accelerate production of renewable energy on public lands…13. Use the SEC to scrutinize banks and investors for climate risks…14. Tap into growing public sentiment and work with corporations…15. Finally, get Congress on board…” click here for more


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