NewEnergyNews More: Most People Now See The Climate Crisis, Want Action

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  • Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Most People Now See The Climate Crisis, Want Action

    Most Americans now see signs of climate change where they live; A majority of people surveyed said the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to counter the trend

    Gloria Dickey, November 25, 2019 (Science News)

    “…[M]ost Americans say the effects of climate change are already upon us — and that the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to stop it, according to a new public opinion survey…[A nationwide poll showed] 62 percent of U.S. adults said climate change is affecting their local community to some extent or a great deal, bringing more flooding and unusually warm weather, altering ecosystems, driving wildfires or exacerbating drought…

    …The results follow what many environmental activists consider a watershed year for climate change awareness, marked by student protests and a speech by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg chastising world leaders at the United Nations for ignoring climate science…The poll found people’s] views depend on where they live…Most people think the U.S. government should do more…Most believe U.S. energy policy priorities need to change…[and many] say they are taking action by making personal changes…” click here for more


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