NewEnergyNews More: Survey Shows Over 90% Favor For Solar, 85% Favor For Wind

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  • Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Survey Shows Over 90% Favor For Solar, 85% Favor For Wind

    92% of Americans want more solar power, greater than any other action Pew Research says

    John Weaver, November 26, 2019 (PV Magazine)

    “…[A Pew Research survey] in October found 92% of Americans favor expanding solar panel farms – up 3% since earlier this year. No other energy or climate action polled as highly, with expanded wind being second at 85%, and reduced food waste at 80%...[T]he nation’s largest CO2 free electricity source, nuclear power, followed with a split at 49%.

    ...Both [wind and nuclear] have increased their public opinion since a May poll earlier this year – with wind up 2% and nuclear up 6%...When asked separately, in a randomized manner, what one action ought we do to address American’s energy supply – developer alternatives or expand fossils – 77% of people said the former, 22% supported the latter…[suggesting that a subset of that 22% who are strongly for expanding wind and solar are not necessarily for handing the keys over…” click here for more


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