AWEA Joins 220+ Signatories On Letter To Congress Supporting National Renewable Electricity Standard; Letter Underscores Broad Agreement Among Utilities, Environmental Groups, Manufacturers and Wind Developers on National Standard
March 24, 2009 (American Wind Energy Association)
"The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) joined more than 220 other groups in signing a letter to Congress that endorses a national renewable electricity standard (RES) as a way to provide the long-term policy commitment that businesses need to invest tens of billions of dollars in clean energy, creating thousands of American jobs.
"A total of 226 companies and organizations have signed the letter, which urges Congress to adopt a national RES this year. Legislation introduced in both the House and Senate would require all states to generate at least 25% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025."

"[The letter:] “We are writing to urge rapid enactment of a national renewable electricity standard (RES) to help the nation take full advantage of the abundant domestic renewable resources available for the generation of electricity…”
"Among the organizations signing the letter are wind developers, environmental groups, utilities, labor groups, construction companies and manufacturers…
"A recent public opinion survey found that 84 percent of Americans support a national RES. Later this spring, House and Senate committees are scheduled to take up energy legislation that includes a national RES."
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