APX Announces Complete Asset and Risk Management Services for Environmental Markets; APX Environmental Management Account™ Delivers Essential Portfolio Services
Renier Musier, May 19, 2009 (APX)
"APX Inc., the leading infrastructure provider for environmental and energy markets… announced its new flagship business services offering, the APX Environmental Management Account™, which is a complete suite of solutions for environmental asset and risk management in the new carbon economy. From providing the tools to manage an asset acquisition strategy, to conducting transactions and monitoring results, to creating environmental credits that monetize environmental benefits, the APX Environmental Management Account provides market participants with essential business services to manage risk in carbon and renewable energy markets…"

"The APX Environmental Management Account provides a single view across a company's entire multi-registry portfolio of environmental credits and allowances, a trusted source for global carbon project information, and comprehensive tracking of related forward transactions. It also includes essential business services…"

"With more than 2 billion certificates under management and 1300 global firms as account holders, APX market infrastructure sets the standard for ensuring integrity and transparency in environmental markets…The new service offerings will be phased in over time, with forward market and contract management services expected to be available in Q3 2009…and portfolio management and transaction services expected in Q4…"
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