Wind Energy Turbines, An Emerging Sector of Michigan's Economy
Jeffrey Astrein, 12 July 209 (Michigan Polichy Network)
"…With a decline of manufacturing in the State of Michigan, particularly in the automotive industry, U.S. and European wind energy companies see Michigan's potential of manufacturing superior wind turbine supplies as well as providing domestic energy to nearby cities and states. The emerging wind industry in the United States recently surpassed Germany as the largest market for installed turbines and there are more than 35 companies in Michigan supplying components or services to the wind energy industry, a number that is quickly growing…"

"Last March in Detroit, European wind turbine companies Vestas, Nordex, and Siemens expressed their needs for more domestic suppliers to manufacture critical components at the 2009 Michigan Wind Energy Conference. Northern Power, an energy based company in Vermont which focuses on community wind projects, is considering a contract manufacturing facility that will build wind turbines in Michigan and use components from companies located within the state. Across the country, wind energy companies are racing to meet the U.S. Department of Energy's [20% wind power by 2030] goal [that] will require an increase from 15,000 wind turbines currently installed in the U.S. to 140,000…This will create thousands of new jobs…"

"Recently, the Michigan Wind Energy Resource Zone Board selected four regions highly suitable for wind energy; three of them in West Michigan and one in the state's thumb… from preliminary findings in a report prepared by Public Sector Consultants Inc. and the Michigan State University Land Policy Institute based on wind resources, land availability, and energy production potential…The board will issue a final report for the PSC which will be used with other information to determine which areas will be designated as a "wind energy resource zone." …[T]he report has been submitted to local governments in the regions for their input…Public hearings are scheduled…"
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