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  • ---------------
  • Sunday, November 14, 2010


    John Shimkus cites Genesis on climate change
    Darren Samuelsohn (with Jennifer Haberkorn), November 10, 2010 (Politico)

    "Rep. John Shimkus is standing by a controversial comment that global warming isn't something to worry about because God said he wouldn't destroy the Earth after Noah's flood…The Illinois Republican running for the powerful perch atop the House Energy and Commerce Committee…[said] his understanding of the Bible reaffirms his belief that government shouldn't be in the business of trying to address rising greenhouse gas emissions.

    John Shimkus (R-Ill), aspirant, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair:] "I do believe in the Bible as the final word of God…And I do believe that God said the Earth would not be destroyed by a flood…Now, do I believe in climate change? In my trip to Greenland, the answer is yes. The climate is changing…The question is more about the costs and benefits and trying to spend taxpayer dollars on something that you cannot stop versus the changes that have been occurring forever…Really, the focus is not going to be climate…The climate debate has, at least for two years, has ended with this election. The real focus is on energy security."

    From ProgressIllinois via YouTube

    "Shimkus drew snickers from the left in March 2009 when he quoted an exchange between God and Noah in Genesis during a subcommittee hearing on adaptation policies for dealing with climate change. His critics have rehashed the congressman's remarks now that he's entered the internal GOP campaign to take charge of the House panel with direct oversight of global warming and other environmental and energy policy issues…

    "Shimkus is one of four Republicans seeking the Energy and Commerce gavel — Joe Barton, Fred Upton and Cliff Stearns are the others — in what has become an increasingly nasty campaign. Barton…and other conservatives are attacking Upton for not being conservative enough. Shimkus would not have that problem, and at the every least he is well-situated for a subcommittee chairmanship…Echoing Upton, Stearns and Barton, Shimkus pledged to aggressively pursue repeal and oversight of the health reform law, a significant piece of which falls under the Energy and Commerce Committee’s jurisdiction…"

    click to enlarge

    "On energy, oversight would be the name of the game. Shimkus said he would green-light the different House subcommittees to "really focus on science" surrounding climate change…

    "Like the other chairman candidates, Shimkus suggested a wide-ranging policy agenda on energy that includes everything from coal to electric vehicles, nuclear power and natural gas. He also wants to permanently block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions…"


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